Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Allow Him To Harmonize

I feel a deeply rooted need to re-cognize my blessings today. We must constantly stop ourselves and really see the many beautiful blessings that abound in each of our lives. They are there, I promise. God has such an amazing ability to help us see beauty in all things, if we just allow Him. It's a matter of allowing Him to harmonize what we see with the reality of our existence and His ways. He will show you meaning in pain, beauty in sorrow, love in a color, compassion in a moment, grandiose in the mundane, trueness in dishevelment, goodness in the misunderstood, purity in the uncleansed, kindness within your own heart, true grace within your own soul...for He put it there...for each and every one of us. But we must take the time to recognize His plentiful and overflowing and masterful blessings...go there with me today...let's give thanks for The Ways He Whispers "I Love You!"

Je suis reconnaissant:

1. The grooves of my finger prints ~ reminding me He's only made one!

2. The blue of Mac's eyes ~ yet to be matched.

3. Pat's eyelashes ~ perfect for butterfly kisses.

4. The morning sun kissing my cheeks, reminding me this is the day that He has made ~ I will be glad and rejoice in it!

5. My stretchmarks ~ a forever reminder that He allowed me to assist Him in 2 miracles!

6. The brilliant red hue only witnessed on a sunny fall day.

7. Raindrops in puddles.

8. A baby's belly laugh.

9. Pat's goodness.

10. Mac's wisdom.

11. My ability to choose good.

12. A stranger's surprise and then true joy at an unwarranted smile from me.

13. The amazing arrayof colors found in the fruit and veggie section of our modern convenience known as a grocery store.

14. Eyes ~ they allow one to see the world while also allowing others to see one's soul.

15. The exquisite scent of a stargazer lily.

16. Poppop's hands and the memories they created.

17. Being still and knowing Him.

18. The ability to learn, especially from my mistakes.

19. Photographs ~ the ability to capture a moment forever!

20. The sweet smell of coffee on a Sunday morning.

21. Slippers and pockets

22. Lemon water hydrating my soul.

23. Pearl Jam's lyric's moving my soul.

24. The Bible ~ could He have made it any easier?

25. Locating a pencil buddy!

26. Brothers ~ their hugs and knowing they will always love me and be there no matter what!

27. Love notes from my children!

28. The smile on my face as I read back through these blessings...

29. This day, today.

30. The goodness coming to me and my children with every breath I am given.

31. The color purple ~ a great movie, but also a color that all should feast their eyes on ~ it will change your soul.

32. Chubby fingers stroking my cheek, because that is where they need to be.

33. Witnessing compassion and goodness from a 7 year old ~ that will also change your soul.

34. Muscles ~ they will always be there and are good enough to remind you when you haven't used them in a while!

35. Waking to the sounds of life the way God created ~ nature at it's finest hour!

36. Watching my Grandmother, my Mother, and my daughter plant vegetables together ~ pure magic!

37. A step-father who has brought a broken family to wholeness.

38. Blackened bottoms of small feet.

39. Watching my son and my brother teach each other about life...and how to throw a frisbee.

40. A child walking through the dark with glow sticks on every appendage.

41. Money being given to me at the moment you need it most, from the person I least expect.

42. A note hidden in my purse from a daughter who just wanted to say "I hope you have a good day Mommy, you know I love you."

43. Spending time with friends I never should have lost contact with.

44. Praying over a boy because he is really afraid of a bad ghost...and having that boy say he would like to come to church with me.

45. A mother who truly is the wind beneath my wings.

46. A long lost kindred spirit who moves in and out of my life, but always with the right words, the right hugs, at the right moment.

47. Writing God's ways in a way that touches hearts and minds...glorifying Him.

48. Waking up to a Christian radio station that I hadn't turned the dial to the night before.

49. Music ~ the soundtrack of my awesome life!

50. Three absolutely God-picked teachers and amazing women who are changing my heart.

51. A group of amazing people who accept my love, just as it is, and give love and are walking similar paths toward Him.

52. My sisters ~ step, half, and in-law ~ sisters, who are true beauty and keep walking forward, teaching me to stay strong

53. HUGS!!!!!

54. Driving with all of the windows down, screaming some crazy awesome song, wind in our hair, knowing all is well!

55. Two best friends who complete me.

56. A new church family who feel like home.

57. Quiet moments where I breath and know I am loved and protected.

I got this fantastic idea of counting our blessings as a way to praise Him from an incredible woman, named Ann Voskamp. If you are interested in reading more about this, and joining her Gratitude Community, see here. As she says, once you start it's very hard to stop! Blessings!!!

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